Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hobnobbing with our fellow wizards

Sunday, oh blessed day of rest. This day marks a change in the tour where our focus is directed to things more ethereal. We went to the Branson 1st Ward and they had a special combined meeting for the YM and YW. The lesson was given by one of the entertainers they saw perform on the Branson Belle on Friday night. Both Branson wards have many entertainers in their memberships. After church, we headed over to the Tri-Lake Center for a spaghetti lunch with salad, bread and cookies. Assessing the tired looks on so many people, it was decided to spend some time catching up on some much needed rest/sleep/relaxation, so it was back to the hotel and PJs. After a brief respite, Dean, our esteemed driver, took us on a tour of the scenic wonders around Branson. At 4:30, we met with Jonathan Dutton and Jason Hughes at the church and they spoke to the kids about life as an LDS entertainer and other gospel related subjects. It was quite informative and well received. After a small snack, they warmed up their voices and then held an Evening of Inspiration at 7:00. Many of the entertainers and their families were there as well as many of the youth in the area. It was, as you might expect, a powerful and spirit-rich meeting. McKenna, Amanda and Ben all gave excellent talks. Sarah and Chuck sang a duet, "Light On a Hill", and Tim had Lauren and Caleb share in singing "I Was Born to Testify". It was an amazing meeting and so appropriate to close out the tour on such a spiritual high. It took nearly an hour to clear out the building. No one wanted to leave as everyone had found new friends. Back at the hotel, we feasted on pizza and pretty much breathed a sigh of satisfaction.

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