Friday, April 16, 2010

If Branson wasn't enough . . .

Breakfast was the usual fare that one might expect for large crowds. However, remember, we're in Branson. That means there is somebody entertaining somewhere at all times. Breakfast was no exception. As we ate our biscuits and gravy, we heard oldies from the past . . think: Smokey and the Bandit, Johnny Cash and a few other classics. Then it was off to the church for some rehearsal time. Holding to tradition, the building was locked when we arrived so we rehearsed in the parking lot until someone came with a key. After rehearsal, we headed over to Mel's Hard Luck Cafe. This is a must go to eatery in Branson where the wait staff are all professional singers using a mic with a sound system backup. It's not uncommon to see someone singing a Rascal Flatts ballad while serving a plate of burgers and fries. The next treat of the day came when we went to see the Hughes Brothers Show. Our very own AOL kids opened for them and it was a pretty big deal. The regular show are 5 brothers whose roots are in Utah. They had their wives and all their children in the show as well. There were 35 performers in all. Afterwards we went back to the hotel to freshen up for the dinner and show on the Branson Belle, a riverboat that plies the waters of Table Rock Lake. Before we could leave, Kathy Gray, one of our chaperones started thinking about having an asthma attack. And with the power of positive thinking, she surely did. Actually, it was probably brought on by all the stage smoke generated during the show we saw earlier. It was decided that we needed to get her some medical help ASAP, so yours truly and his faithful companion, MaryAnn, sped off in the Tahoe while everyone headed for the lake and the Branson Belle with the idea in mind that we would catch up to them later. After a frantic search for an Urgent Care facility, we stopped at one of the shows and had the parking attendant call 911. He did and in less than 10 minutes the EMTs were there. It's a good thing because at that point, Kathy was in very bad condition. The EMTs stabilized her and I followed the ambulance very closely to the hospital. Later I was told that I wasn't supposed to follow the ambulance through all the red lights and other places. Oops. Anyway, after nearly a 3 hour adventure, Kathy was released and she was feeling pretty good. There's so much entertainment here in Branson, you'd think there'd be enough for everyone. But apparently not.

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